I thought that I was watching a happy movie, everyone left the theater should be happy. But I was wrong. Happy Feet is not a happy movie, especially for those who have emotions for animals. I believed that no one is able to laugh in the later half movie.
Although I totally agree with educating children to respect people, even animals by cartoons, I jsut can’t help falling depressed about the prison of Hollywooders. They just don’t know and always think as a human, even they are playing a penguin. Why seals and killer whales are always bad, and why bad animals are always look terrible? It’s ridiculos to separate animals by good and bad, the movie taught us that seals are bad, it’s not really the way to educate children to respect animals.
As the same topic-- environment protection, Miyazaki Hayao didn’t put so much human thinking in his movie, every fighting animal has its reason, for house keeping, for their children or for the honor. Some of them can talk, some of them can’t, but whther they have ability to talk or not, we won’t hate them after the movie.
Maybe Happy Feet is a nice movie, maybe it teaches something. However, it’s obviously that Hollywooders has long way to go when talking about respect.